Saturday, December 19, 2009

Amazingly,,,I Actually had a Haircut

Never though before that I have to haircut by someone else besides my Dad... He usually cut my hair while I was sleep lately night or even early morning. It took my Dad more than hour just just to cut my hair. My Dad did that since I was a little baby...of course I just a toddler right now, but I mean that my Dad begin to haircut me since I was 6 months old...

I always scared to go to the barber or salon to have haircut, the "tools" that can "loose"(cut) the hair make me worry. Imagine the hair fell from the head,,, it always make me nervous to see that things. There were an experience while my Dad took me to his barber shop,,, stood like a fool and all can I do was asked my my Dad when we can go home...

Today,,, is a big story for me, and my parents. Somehow, I didn't refuse when my Mom asked me to go to salon and get haircut. It was a major experience to me and I don't think I can do that any more in the future. You can imagine, I just sit and almost not breath while the electric things cut my hair... My mom cheer me up ... she said that I have to keep my promise to her about to go to saloon to get haircut. That's it....why should I have to promised her such a thing...

Anyway.... it is good to have a nice hair style.., no matter you avoid your haircut,,,, you shoul go for it... (of course to all toddler friends,,,)

I will give you a tips from a toddler stylist;

As a stylist, the toddler haircut is not unfamiliar to me. They come in regularly and there many ways the experience can go, ranging from both good and very bad extremes. I have even written before about when to just say no to the toddler haircut. There really are times when it just isn't worth it. If your child is screaming and terrified this is one of those times to stop. Normally I refuse to give into tantrums, but listen people, we use sharp instruments. Safety is an issue. A big issue. I have been holding the clippers away from a child waiting for him to stop flailing, the child then flailed into my clippers and ended up bleeding. That being said, there are a few other things I would like to recommend to help you and your child get the best toddler haircut experience possible.

Do NOT come when your child is tired. Besides just being cranky and irritable about the haircut it causes another danger issue. A moving target is a dangerous target, tired children bob their heads and, on a occasion, nearly fall out of the chair. I have had to grab more then one child as they tumble to the floor completely asleep. You try to safely grab a child while you have laser sharpened scissors in your hand. If your child starts to fall asleep I will send you home. I reserve the right to safely cut your child's hair.

Please, please comb your children's hair. I am going to charge you extra to comb out matted hair. It takes a long time to get those out. By the time I do, your child is now cranky and irritated with me for hurting them, because it does hurt, and because they have already been sitting for a long time. Avoid heartache and comb your child's hair every day.

If your child has a sensory issue You Need To Tell Me. I can not stress this enough. Lots of children have mild Autism or sensory issues that touching makes worse. I understand that you may not feel comfortable going around and broadcasting this. You can discreetly tell me, I will not make a big deal about it. I will make adjustments for it. It will change the way I shampoo as well as the way I go about preforming the toddler haircut as well as just making a hastier effort so the child doesn't have to endure a prolonged experience. I routinely touch kids to keep them in the chair, lift their chin, or keep their head straight. If I know you child will suffer from this I can avoid it. I can do nothing if I don't know.

A lot of things can make a toddler haircut go better for you, your child and for me. Please remember how dangerous a salon is. It is not a place to play or a place let your guard down. A little preparation is going to go a long way.

source: What to expect

Other tips for parents:

When I had kids, I expected to change diapers, have midnight feedings and potty train. But it's what I didn't account for that really challenged me: the haircuts.
Toddler Getting Haircut

Stay away?

For Will's first few -- or six -- haircuts, I stayed as far away as possible. I paid for the cuts but sent my mother or my husband along. It was beyond my willingness. Then everyone else got busy. If he needed a cut, it needed to be me taking him. So I waited. And waited some more.

Unfortunately, the six-month rule doesn't work for little boys. He looked all ... messy. Then I thought about growing it long, but it didn't suit him.

Ultimately though, I was simply delaying the inevitable. Eventually, I really would have to buck up and take my own son for that haircut. I am the mommy, afterall. Still, I remember when my stepson was Will's age. Haircuts were major to-dos. He would scream and cry and whine. Bad. Experience.

Doing the deed

Finally, I caved and went -- with my mother -- for the much awaited haircut. Sometimes, just swallowing the worries and fear and just going helps. You kind of have to turn your worries off, hard as it may sound.

You know what? Ultimately, it wasn't that bad. At all. Apparently with his prior experience and all of my talking about the impending cut, he was ready and willing to sit still while the barber snipped, buzzed and tweaked his new shorter 'do. No tears, whines or otherwise. Just my happy boy getting a cool new 'do. And now, I am hooked. His cut transformed him from my little toddler into a little boy ready for preschool.

Planning a good haircut trip

Are you dreading your toddler's hair cutting? Fear not. Here are some simple tips to help make your trip to the beauty parlor a success.

1. Prepare them: One of the best things you can do is to talk with your child about what happens when they get their haircut. That way the scissors, clippers and razors won't be a surprise -- or scary -- to the littler people. Plus, if it's not a surprise, then they are less likely to freak about it.

2. Don't be afraid to bribe: There is a reason that little kids get lollypops after a trip to the beauty salon. It's bribery. The good kind of bribery that gets little boys and girls to behave and do as they are supposed to. See? Sometimes bribery is a good thing!

3. Stand firm with boundaries: Whatever rules of behavior you have need to apply everywhere -- at home, in the barber shop or wherever. Keeping things consistent is half the battle to having happy, well-behaved kids.

source: Sheknows Parenting


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Sunday, December 13, 2009

How to Find A Great Baby Sitter

Maybe your sister and niece were always your babysitters in the past, but they've moved away. Perhaps your old babysitter is going off to college. Or maybe you're new in town.

The day you've dreaded has arrived. It's time to find a highly qualified babysitter. How do people do this? Ask family, friends, neighbors and co-workers to recommend some babysitters.

Do they have a babysitter that they trust implicitly with their children? Is the babysitter kind? Does the babysitter follow parental rules? When the parents leave, do they feel confident about the safety of their kids? When the parents return home from a night out, are the children happy? Is your home a disaster, or tidy?

You know all the concerns, now you just need to find a great babysitter. If you've asked around and still come up short, don't despair. You can put an ad in the paper, or even go online.

When you write your ad, know what you're looking for, and make it clear. Be prepared to set up several appointments. Ask the prospective babysitter(s) for references from satisfied parents, and call them.

At the appointment, scrutinize your prospect carefully. Is the babysitter courteous? Ask the babysitter personal questions. Discuss rate of pay to make sure you're both on the same page. If the babysitter passes the first hurdle, you may want a second appointment. Have the potential babysitter come over and spend time with the children, while you're at home. It's important to take the time to determine if said babysitter will mesh with your family.

Hopefully you will have many applicants to choose from, and hopefully there will be one or two who stand out head and shoulders above the others in terms of desirability. It's a good idea to have multiple babysitters, so if one is busy on a given day, you have other quality options.

There! You have run the process, and gotten yourself some childcare. Be good to your babysitter, and you can expect her to be good to you and your children.

source: EBabysister

More on Babysitter : Half the Sky


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Friday, December 4, 2009

Samuel Gultom - Preschool

The three or four-year-old who is outgoing takes to preschool like a duck to water and doesn’t need any gentle introduction. It may be quite different with a sensitive three-year-old who still feels closely attached to his parents.

If a parent leaves him at preschool the first day, he might not make a fuss right away. After a while he might miss his parent. He might become frightened. The next day he might not want to leave home.

Introduce preschool gradually

Most preschools introduce children to their programs gradually. This is particularly helpful for the shy or sensitive child. Parents can stay with their children for as long as they wish. For several days a parent might stay nearby while their child plays and then take her home again after a time. Each day the parent can stay for a longer period. Meanwhile, your child is building up attachments to the teacher and other children. These will give her a sense of security when her parent no longer stays.

Sometimes a child seems quite happy for several days, even after his parent has left him. Then he gets hurt and suddenly wants his mummy or daddy. In that case, the teacher can help the parents decide if one of them should come back for a number of days.

If you are staying around the preschool, it’s best to remain in the background. The idea is to let your child develop her own desire to enter the group, so that she forgets her need for you.

Think about your own feelings

Sometimes your anxiety is greater than your child’s. If you say goodbye three times over, with a worried expression, your child might think, ‘It looks as if something awful might happen if I stay here alone’.

It's natural for a tenderhearted parent to worry about leaving a small child for the first time. Let the preschool teacher, who often has a lot of experience, advise you.

Be firm

A child who starts with some genuine anxiety about separating from the parent can learn that protesting allows him to avoid the situation.

She might then progressively use this to avoid preschool. When a child becomes reluctant or fearful about returning to a preschool with understanding teachers, it is usually better for the parents to act quite confident and firm and explain that the teacher will look after her and that she will be fine.

It can sometimes help to have someone different take a reluctant child to preschool. In any case, the child should not be deceived. He should be told that he has become friends with the teacher and the other children. Tomorrow his parent will not be staying at preschool. The parent should say goodbye once, cheerfully, then leave.

In the long run, it’s better for children to outgrow their dependence than to give in to it. If a child’s terror is extreme, the situation should be discussed with a child mental health professional.

Here are some tips to help you and your child ease into the day-to-day practicalities of preschool.

Arrival and departure

Children’s Services regulations require parents and guardians to sign the child’s name and arrival time in a supplied book when children are dropped off. Parents also need to sign that they have picked up their child and at what time. This is a legal requirement for preschool.


Comfortable, loose fitting clothing that doesn’t restrict your child’s movement is best for preschool. He'll need a hat for playing outside. It’s a good idea to check your child can handle zips and buttons so he can go to the toilet. See Dressing your toddler for more information.


Some preschools ask you to bring fruit to share with the group; others prefer your child to eat their own snack. Some long-day care programs may ask parents to supply the child's lunch, other programs supply lunch. Ask your preschool for details. See How to pack a lunchbox for more information.

Illness record

Preschools must keep a formal written record of any medication your child needs. You will need to provide a written authority for this.

It’s a good idea to speak with preschool staff if any problems arise. Working things out quickly can prevent bigger issues.

Safety rules

All preschools have safety rules which parents need to know. These will include:

* who has permission to collect your child
* any out-of-bounds areas for children
* traffic issues, such as parking.


Sick children are best kept at home, for their own benefit and so they don’t pass germs on to other children. If your child has an infectious illness it’s a good idea to let your preschool know so they can inform other parents.


You need to supply a hat, because your child’s skin is more sensitive to UV radiation than adult skin. Preschools are responsible for providing shaded play areas and making sure children use sunscreen and hats.

It's best to avoid outdoor activities between 11 am and 3 pm in hot weather (and 4 pm in daylight savings). See Sun care for more information.
Toys from home

Each preschool has its own policy on whether children can bring toys from home. It’s best to check before your child packs his favourite teddy in his bag.

Parent participation

Preschools rely heavily on parents helping out. If you are able to help out, there are lots of opportunities to take part in the day-to-day activities or to be involved with preschool management.

Educational programs

Your preschool’s philosophy will be outlined in their information booklet. Details of the educational program will be displayed in the building and you can discuss this further with staff. You will also get a regular newsletter keeping you up-to-date with the current program.

Your preschool will have policies to deal with issues such as:

* fee payment
* managing behaviour
* asthma
* allergies.

This information should be on display within the preschool.


Fees and the way in which they are collected will vary from preschool to preschool. It’s a good idea to ask about your preschool’s policy ahead of time. Parents who hold a Commonwealth Health Care Card are eligible for a $250 annual preschool fee subsidy.

source: By Dr Benjamin Spock updated by Dr Robert Needlman


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