Monday, February 23, 2009

I Always Love Car

It is obviously that every kids has many toys for them to play with.. it happen to me as well., I do love car as well... My Dad's took me around with a car many times when I was a little,, it please me,, Dad's allowed me to sit in front seat, make a clear sight of every pass... waaww,, it is a very lovely sight when you always look at your wall at home to see a new things...

My Dad's also allowed me to drive my rent car,,, I tried take many turn and pass,,, looks curiosity when you found a new path,,, It seems my Mom doesn't allow me to go more fast enough. As usual, Mom's worry if I jump out from the car because I did an extreme turn,,, woow,, some guys from next door smile to me and give me an advice to take a good care about the brake... say nothing will happen so bad if you always remember the brake,,, no worries mike,,,

What a pleasure journey if my folk's brought me around with a car...

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